Publications and Preprints

How more data can hurt: Instability and regularization in next-generation reservoir computing
with Yuanzhao Zhang and Sean P. Cornelius
Under review (2025).

Symmetry breaker governs synchrony patterns in neuronal inspired networks
with Anil Kumar, Paul J. Laurienti, and Erik Bollt
Chaos 34, 113115 (2024).

Robust reconstruction of sparse network dynamics
with Tiago Pereira, and Sebastian van Strien
submitted to Nonlinearity (2023).

Fractal Basins as a Mechanism for the Nimble Brain
with Erik Bollt, Jeremie Fish, Anil Kumar, and Paul J. Laurienti
Sci Rep 13, 20860 (2023).

Quantifying protocols for safe school activities
with Juliano Genari, Guilherme Tegoni Goedert, Sérgio H. A. Lira, et al.
PLoS ONE 17(9) (2022).

As part of a large collaboration group (ModCovid19) formed by different Brazilian institutions to model COVID-19 in Brazil, in particular, model validation of COMORBUSS software.

Recovering sparse networks: Basis adaptation and stability under extensions
with Marcel Novaes and Tiago Pereira.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 424 (2021), 132895

Chimera states through invariant manifold theory
with Jaap Eldering, Jeroen Lamb and Tiago Pereira
Nonlinearity 34-5344, 2021